mercredi 9 septembre 2009

Habad - 770 - Israel fuding

I felt very happy when I read this Jpost article or chabad blog because it talks about an Israeli Religious Service Minister Yaakov Margi proposal. He suggested that the Israeli governement should fund Habad.

For a long time, I have thought that the Israeli government had a strategic, but also a moral duty to give at least a moral reconnaissance, not to say a financial aid to the Habad network.
They suggested to help Habad for their security next to the Mumbay attack, but I don't think Israel's raison d'etre is only to protect physically the Jewish People. She also need to provide spiritual strength, support her values and culture, and improving Global Jewish connections, what Habad does.

After all, if Israel make a reconnaissance even by the smallest mean, it will be a very positive meaning toward the religious-identity oriented Jewish on values the State of Israel defend. It will at last, remove or reduce the stupid a-religious connotation of the word zionism.

I told myself, that the greatest opportunity, would come at a meaningful date, and I thought, what would be better than the year 5'770 ! ( That is this year to come...)

After all, the Chabad is a major organization, providing religious services, with exemplary dedication, wherever we could be in the world.

Chabad's are certainly the most open religious group, with non-judgmental approch, they are on the ground, where the Jewish people is, inside the soul of the Global Jewry.

They are obviously, and by the strength of their commitment, at the top of technology, their website is a model. Their enthusiasm, is also legendary. they widespread love, and their members are real leaders.

But as often, the strenghth could also be a weakness.

I think, their high developped culture, and strict rules, don't allow them to serve beyound their own ideology. They have so much within their own world, that for many Jews, they simply cannot be identifying models, otherwise, all their infrastructure, is made only for there community, they will quite never work for "other", too distant, Jewish ideology.

I don't want to be hard on the critic, because, you can't tell someone, he is wrong with his ideology. But I could tell them, using their own reference ( thank you Rabbi Menahem Mendel Shneerson ) that they should ufaratsta... going beyound themselvs for others...
This critic is also not completly accurate, because, even inside the mouvement there are different way of acting. The critics, is acurate, because, it remains true on a macro-analysis.

My very concrete exemple, is : Chabad. org, shouldn't reference only Habad's institution, but all Jewish institutions. In another word, I would say, they should be more liberal. I'm not asking them to change for a dot, their identity, I'm just suggesting them, to go further... that is sof sof, a compliment...

I'm certain, that if they respect, this basic principle, I'm sure, they will gain in reconnaissance, and would have an even greater success.

dimanche 6 septembre 2009

Israel needs a GPS

I just read a brilliant article that I want to share with you.
That's Bad summer for Israel on ynet by Yael Gvirtz.

It's an article that talk about the lack of vision demonstrated by the leadership of Israel. It's a shout of distress, a glimpse of lucidity, in these absurd situation.

I think she must go further, by giving a boost the our President and asking him to go Forward, to call the People of Israel, to gather, and to take decision, here and now, for a better future.

I think that's it's only a matter of courage, because, we do have the solutions in our souls, in our hearts, it's just a lack of audacity.

Our people, has demonstrated during more than 3500 years great happenings, now that we have a State, and we are coming nside the era of Globalization, that his at last, the age in wish we can see each other, listening to each other and regatehring all the exiled, we are not acting ?

I'm sure that ina very short period of time, a great generation of leader will emerge and will give a renewed direction to the People, and will enjoy our people, and the world community...

vendredi 4 septembre 2009

Paris qui critique... Paris qui ignore

Voici le genre de "communiqué", d'information qui a le don de reveiller au dela de mon esprit critique, mes émotions...

Je ne dis pas que la Communauté des Juifs de France et Israel, ne portent pas une responsabilité sur ce type de resultat, mais une chose est sure, il faut aujourd'hui traité ce probleme avec un peu de serieux.

Je vous invite donc à lire une chronique de Clément Weill Raynal de l'Association France-Israel
« Colonies juives » : lorsque la communauté internationale prône l’épuration ethnique
Qui se termine par :
"Il n’y que les Juifs qui doivent quitter la Judée. Et tout le monde trouve cela normal."
La réalité, c'est la "guerre des mots", de la reconnaissance qui et en jeu.

Je ne vais pas refaire toute l'histoire du Moyen-Orient mais je trouve plus que surprenant que l'Occident ait tant de mal, à reconnaitre que l'appelation de Palestine pour la Terre d'Israël, est du fait de leur propre création.

Cette bataille, est clairement à mes yeux, une des celles qui touchent au domaine : "Politique de civilisation"

Rome en l'an 70 a fait tomber, le Royaume de Judée, et a renommé la Terre d'Israel (qui était composé du Royaume du Nord, dit Royaume d'Israel, et Royaume du Sud, dit de Judée) en Palestine, dans le but d'humilier, le redoutable adversaire.

Les mots, les noms ont un sens, il convient de connaitre aussi l'histoire des mots, et des appélations.

Comment se fait il que dans le psyche occidental, il peut venir à l'idée d'appeler la Terre d'Israel, Palestine, ou Terre de Cenaan, mais pas Terre d'Israël ? Alors qu'entre ces deux appélations, il y a eu tout de même plus de 1000 ans de règne Israelites et qui plus est touche à la seule civilisation antique toujours vivante, et ayant donné naissance, par dérivation ou par opposition aux deux plus grandes religions de ce monde, qui represente deux grandes civilisations : Occidental et Oriental avec la Chrétienté et l'Islam.

Ma conviction sur le sujet, est que pour resoudre ce grief civilisationel, il couvient à Israel, de se reconnecter à son Histoire antique, en rétablissant une communication politique capitalisant sur son pouvoir religieux et historique.

Alors oui, Israel, le fait.... Mais pas assez, et reste trop à la traine des Etats-Unis. Il est temps qu'Israel, prenne son indépendance !

Qu'elle ose utiliser, son propre vocabulaire, que les artistes et producteurs, produisent des oeuvres montrant et demontrant la continuité et le renouvellement d'Israel depuis Avraham, jusqu'à aujourd'hui... Cela demande une contribution conjointe de l'Etat, des artistes, des historiens, et... des religieux....

Si les Israelites ne connaissent et ne reconaissent pas leur propre histoire, il ne faut pas s'étonner que les occidentaux et a foriori les orientaux denature les faits et "oublient"... 1000 ans de la phrise de l'Histoire du proche Orient racontant notre présence... et donc notre légitimité, notre lien...à cette Terre !

mercredi 2 septembre 2009

Lost Jews - Massa Ad campaign

What a great Ad VIDEO ! by MASA

Article on Haaretz by Cnaan Liphshiz
Article on Jpost by Haviv Rettig Gur

It's true that I'm a proud Israelite-Jew living in France. I hope to be deeply conected to my roots, but I have to admit that this ad is really great.

It doesn't mean that I won't express my critical point of view on it.

I think it is a good advertising because it introduce the question of Assimilation as a National problem.
I also appreciate this ad, because it's a community, harevout, kirouv campaign, that is great !

Where this ad, make me less excited, it's because, this ad consider in a way, that the Israeli governement, is the only hearth of the Jewish People, as If Jews from outside Israel were not responsible, as if Jewish community were a lost herd.

A counter campain Jews from the outside could have the following message,
"When you meet an Israeli in your coutry, don't leave him alone, invite him for shabat. It will be an opportunity to discover his spiritual roots... in your Jewish home..."

Of course, neither this message or the second one is the good one.

We have AT last, to consider one each other as full part of the 3500 year old People of Israel, and at last, expressing commun responsability, common heritage.

So, in my point of view, it should be build Olam Israel, the organisation that represent the Global Jewish People or the People of Israel at the Global Scale, and then, this message would be targeted to all the Jews, and considering each Jew as a responsible one...

For the record, such a vision has already been launched, it was 150 years ago by Adolphe Cremieux, Netter, and Leven with the Alliance Israelites Universelles and later by Herzl with the World Zionist Congress and then, the creation of the Modern State of Israel has institutionalized the bondaries between Israelis and Israelites from Diaspora.

Update :

The more I'm reading this AD, the more I love it !
I never tire of seeing

I love it, because, even if they de-responsabilize us, it's at the end of the day a message of love toward Jews of the Diaspora... A message of caring.

And unlike wrote Esther K, this is not an ad againt intermarriage, it's against assimilation, that is not exaclty the same, even if there are common ground.

A Jew that assimlate, is a person who is technically Jewish, but that will leave it's identity, and then becoming indiferent, not ot say hostile to Israel.

But what make people more commited to their Identity or values ? that's such a fascinating question !

It will be my next post !