mercredi 9 septembre 2009

Habad - 770 - Israel fuding

I felt very happy when I read this Jpost article or chabad blog because it talks about an Israeli Religious Service Minister Yaakov Margi proposal. He suggested that the Israeli governement should fund Habad.

For a long time, I have thought that the Israeli government had a strategic, but also a moral duty to give at least a moral reconnaissance, not to say a financial aid to the Habad network.
They suggested to help Habad for their security next to the Mumbay attack, but I don't think Israel's raison d'etre is only to protect physically the Jewish People. She also need to provide spiritual strength, support her values and culture, and improving Global Jewish connections, what Habad does.

After all, if Israel make a reconnaissance even by the smallest mean, it will be a very positive meaning toward the religious-identity oriented Jewish on values the State of Israel defend. It will at last, remove or reduce the stupid a-religious connotation of the word zionism.

I told myself, that the greatest opportunity, would come at a meaningful date, and I thought, what would be better than the year 5'770 ! ( That is this year to come...)

After all, the Chabad is a major organization, providing religious services, with exemplary dedication, wherever we could be in the world.

Chabad's are certainly the most open religious group, with non-judgmental approch, they are on the ground, where the Jewish people is, inside the soul of the Global Jewry.

They are obviously, and by the strength of their commitment, at the top of technology, their website is a model. Their enthusiasm, is also legendary. they widespread love, and their members are real leaders.

But as often, the strenghth could also be a weakness.

I think, their high developped culture, and strict rules, don't allow them to serve beyound their own ideology. They have so much within their own world, that for many Jews, they simply cannot be identifying models, otherwise, all their infrastructure, is made only for there community, they will quite never work for "other", too distant, Jewish ideology.

I don't want to be hard on the critic, because, you can't tell someone, he is wrong with his ideology. But I could tell them, using their own reference ( thank you Rabbi Menahem Mendel Shneerson ) that they should ufaratsta... going beyound themselvs for others...
This critic is also not completly accurate, because, even inside the mouvement there are different way of acting. The critics, is acurate, because, it remains true on a macro-analysis.

My very concrete exemple, is : Chabad. org, shouldn't reference only Habad's institution, but all Jewish institutions. In another word, I would say, they should be more liberal. I'm not asking them to change for a dot, their identity, I'm just suggesting them, to go further... that is sof sof, a compliment...

I'm certain, that if they respect, this basic principle, I'm sure, they will gain in reconnaissance, and would have an even greater success.

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